I’m a researcher at the Pioneer Centre for AI at the University of Copenhagen and an incoming Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Previously, I was a Young Investigator at the Allen Institute for AI, and I completed my PhD in Information Science at Cornell University and my master’s degree in Computational Linguistics at the University of Washington. I’ve also spent time at places like ETH Zurich, Microsoft Research FATE, Twitter Cortex, and Facebook Core Data Science.

I study natural language processing and cultural analytics, and I’m currently excited about: (1) reliability and bias issues, (2) narrative detection and analysis, (3) person-centered healthcare (especially maternal and reproductive healthcare), (4) how people actually use LLMs (especially for personal use cases like healthcare and storytelling), and (5) critical studies focused on datasets and ethics.


β˜€οΈ I accepted a tenure-track job offer in Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder!

🚲 I’m currently spending a year at the Pioneer Centre for AI at the University of Copenhagen

πŸŽ“ I’m recruiting students to join CU Boulder in Fall 2025; check the FAQ to learn more!

πŸ“ New work about poetry evaluation and LLM memorization accepted at EMNLP Findings

πŸ“ New work about story perceptions accepted at EMNLP

πŸ“ New work about sensitive disclosures in user-chatbot conversations accepted at COLM

πŸ“ New work about story detection across communities accepted at ACL

πŸ“ New work about LLMs and maternal healthcare accepted at FAccT

Upcoming Travel & Talks

Dec 2024 Attending the Computational Humanities Research (CHR) conference in Aarhus
Oct 2024 Invited talk at the University of Stuttgart
Oct 2024 Invited talk at the Statistics Seminar at Uppsala University
Oct 2024 Attending the conference for Danish Digitization, Data Science, and AI in Nyborg
Oct 2024 Invited talk at the NLP Workshop at the Interacting Minds Center at Aarhus University
Oct 2024 Our work on sensitive disclosures in human-chatbot conversations will be presented at COLM in Philadelphia
Sep 2024 Attending the Humanities and AI Virtual Institute at Oxford
Aug 2024 Presenting our work on narrative detection at ACL (attending virtually)
Jun 2024 Keynote talk at the NLP+CSS Workshop at NAACL in Mexico City
Jun 2024 Presenting our work on guiding principles for NLP for maternal healthcare at FAccT in Rio
Jun 2024 Our work on sensemaking in online discussions of contraception will be presented at ICWSM
Jun 2024 Invited talk at the Symposium on LLMs for xPhi in Krakow, as part of the European Experimental Philosophy Conference
May 2024 Keynote talk at the Workshop on Reference, Framing, and Perspective at LREC-COLING in Torino

Teaching, Outreach, & Resources

I designed and taught NLP for Cultural Analytics for the Linguistics department at the University of Washington in Winter 2023.

I’m one of the lead organizers for AI for Humanists, a series of tutorials and workshops that guide interdisciplinary researchers in using large language models. In addition to our independent tutorials, I’ve led or co-led sessions at ICWSM, FAccT, Bell Labs, and the popular NLP+CSS 201 tutorial series. I’ve also taught similar public-facing courses for the Hertie School in Berlin, the Brown Institute at Columbia, and the IDEAS Summer School at Northeastern.

I’m the lead builder and maintainer for some cultural analytics tools:


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